A World of Fiber

A World of Fiber

Uit onderzoek van Diffraction Analysis naar wereldwijde Fiber to the Home (FttH) ontwikkelingen blijkt dat het nut van FttH breed wordt onderschreven en dat  overheden de volgende stappen zouden moeten zetten:

Recommendations for governments, regulators and policy makers

  • Collaboration should be encouraged: Collaborative deployment models also make sense for policy makers and governments. A shared infrastructure is inherently more economical and this will extend the reach of privately funded deployment. Public money can then be injected in such a structure for an even wider coverage. The temptation to protect the incumbent as the sole network player through policy or regulation should be resisted.
  • Facilitate build-up through policy and regulation: Policy and regulation should be geared towards facilitating deployments: ensuring availability of underlying infrastructure like ducts and poles; ensuring that public money spent on digging (typically in electricity network burial and water mains renewal) is leveraged for FTTP roll-out by laying ducts before the trenches are filled; and ensuring that service providers can get easy access to multi-dwelling units for network deployment.
  • Examine how public services and governments can leverage FTTP: If local and national governments, through public services or e-administration can become anchor tenants for FTTP networks they will accelerate demand, which in turn will make the business models look better and accelerate deployment.

Geïnteresseerden kunnen het rapport ‘A World of Fiber’ opvragen bij onderzoeker Benoît Felten.

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